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The Game Has Begun!
22:30:46 Jun 21st 04 - VU Admin:

The new round has now started!

Before it have always been betas, beta 1, beta 2, etc. This game will never leave beta status, it will always keep improving and there will never be a finished version.
But it's a bit dull to call them betas, so now on the rounds will have a name and last round will be called "The Beginning".
The name of the rounds will be the name of the winner from the previous round. So this round will be named "Era of Raistlin".

The improvements made this round are the following:
Trolls have been improved a lot and dwarves have also been improved a litlle.

Your farms, mines and lumber-mills will need peasants (or slaves) to operate and will produce according to the "productivity" based on workers/workers needed.
The productivity will not drop or increase more then 1% each day.

There is now a new type of workers that do not require food or homes, they are called slaves and can be traded with on the market and captured when attacking enemy cities.

When attacked by someone much stronger while having a decent defence your peasants will flee to another city with the resources and the productivity in all other cities will increase.

Science cost is now based on how much science you already have and how much science others have. If there already are a lot of people with a higher science level then you, it will cost less to upgrade. The higher levels you have in all areas together will also affect the upgrade costs.

You will no longer be able to send resources between cities via the aid link. Instead you have to transfer the resources with your army or buy it from the market.

A new building called markets has been added. They will decrease the number of peasants needed to trade and thereby increase the max amount of supplies you can buy. They will also decrease the time it takes for the supplies to reach your city.
The time to reach your city is decreased exponentially with the percent of markets you have in your city. So having one city with a lot of markets should be better then having a small amount of markets in each city. Remember that if you want to be successful on the market, markets is a must have as they also decrease the trade time for the ones that are buying from you.

The game may change during gameplay.

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